Custom fabricated sapphire optics for use as sight windows in high temperature furnaces, cryogenic processes, fluid-, powder-, and solids processing and as sensor protection in demanding environments have been introduced by Meller Optics, Inc. of Providence, Rhode Island. Meller Sapphire Optics can be fabricated in various shapes, sizes, and opening styles which can incorporate stepped […]
Tag Archives: sapphire windows
Custom fabricated sapphire lenses and windows that provide front surface protection for AUVs used in demanding commercial and military environments has been introduced by Meller Optics, Inc. of Providence, RI. Meller Sapphire Optics for Drones feature Mohs 9 hardness and withstand fast moving dirt, sand, chemicals, heat to 1,000o C, and 10,000 psi pressure for […]
Custom made sapphire windows for unmanned underwater surveillance vehicles (AUV and UUV) that can withstand high speed particulates and high pressure have been introduced by Meller Optics, Inc. of Providence, RI. Meller Sapphire Windows feature Mohs 9 hardness which is second only to diamond and can withstand fast moving particles, sand, and deep water pressure […]
Custom fabricated sapphire optics that resist scratching, high pressures, and high temperatures found in harsh environments in which many robotics function have been introduced by Meller Optics, Inc. of Providence, RI. Meller Sapphire Optics can be supplied as lenses, flat windows, and domes custom fabricated in sizes from 3/8” to 4” dia. and varying wall […]
A new, updated list of overrun optics resulting from customer production overruns that includes all types of first-quality lenses, windows, prisms, and more, made from sapphire and other materials has been introduced by Meller Optics, Inc. of Providence, RI. The Meller Optics 2024 Overrun Parts List features over one million standard and custom parts, allowing […]