Windows and domes made from Spinel and Alon for use in drone systems sit on a blue table with a photo of a drone being launched behind them.

A line of spinel and ALON® optics for a wide range of missile, drone, and night vision system applications requiring a durable and chemical-resistant material has been introduced by Meller Optics, Inc. of Providence, RI

Meller Spinel and ALON® Optics provide a solution to glass because they are transparent in spectral regions where glass is opaque, are about 10X more abrasion-resistant, offer superior chemical resistance and excellent transmission in the UV through MWIR. Manufactured using powder processing techniques, these optical ceramics can be produced in large sizes and complex shapes and retain up to 75% of their strength at 1,000ºC.

Optically isotropic which eliminates birefringence effects, Meller Spinel and ALON® Optics are available in sizes up to 16″ diameter in production quantities. Spinel and ALON® Optics exhibit 1650 and 1870 Knoop hardness and up 70-300 and 300-700 MPa strength respectively. They can be finished with < 60-40 scratch-dig surface quality, < 1 fringe flatness at 633 nm, < 1 arc-min parallelism, and polished bevel on two sides.

Meller Spinel and ALON® Optics are priced according to material, configuration, and quantity. Meller Optics, Inc. will be exhibiting at Photonics West in San Francisco, Booth #1640 on Jan. 28 – Feb. 2, 2023.