Quantity discounts are available! Please call 1-800-821-0180 when ordering over 25 pieces for exclusive discount pricing.

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These parts were made for various projects and are ready to ship from our warehouse.
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Sapphire Lenses
- Optical Grade Sapphire
- Monocrystalline
- Slightly Birefringent
- Positive and negative configurations

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Precision Balls
- Available in Sapphire and Ruby
- Surface Quality: Ra < 0.01µm
- Used as bearings, in metrology and more
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Wafer Carriers
- Optical Grade Sapphire
- Diameters from 2″ to 6″
- Flats and laser marking available
- Custom perforation holes
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- Sapphire & Quartz
- Multiple order quarter wave and half wave
- Anti-reflective coated or broadband AR coating
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Microlux Alumina
- Calcined from high-purity feed material
- Regular and Deagglomerated Grade
- Packaged in 5lb plastic bags
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Gugolz Pitch
- Premium grade optical polishing pitch
- Available in 5 hardness grades
- Can be mixed to intermediate degrees
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Custom Fabrication
- Tight tolerance optics of all kinds
- Ultraviolet, visible, and infrared materials
- Functional components that meet your exacting specifications
Have a question about a part? Speak to one of our sales representatives Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm EST 1-800-821-0180